About A.B.

Welcome to the world of A.B. – a name that's all about helping others, inventing, art, and exploring. I've got a story that started in places like California, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi. Those are some interesting spots that shaped who I am today.

When I was in school, I was totally into learning and even took some advanced classes. But guess what? I wasn't just about books – I was also a sports enthusiast. Football, baseball, boxing, and track were my jam, and they taught me a lot about competition and staying active.

As I grew up, I got into all sorts of businesses, like cleaning stuff with pressure washers and making cool art from driftwood. But the coolest part? Inventing! I came up with some cool things, like my own shoe brand called Kuvaa Mitaani. It all came from my imagination and creativity.

And here's something unique: I'm also a trained herbalist and healer. I wrote a book about old-school natural medicines that people used back in the day – it's like a treasure trove of ancient knowledge.

I'm into art too, especially making beautiful things from driftwood. And I've got this thing called permaculture design down – it's all about living in harmony with the environment and being super eco-friendly.

Oh, and did I mention I've got skills in aviation? Yep, I used to fix airplanes, and that taught me a lot about being smart and creative.

So, as you explore my little corner of the internet, you'll discover a mix of sports, cool inventions, art, and a love for nature. Let's celebrate creativity, learn from the past, and get amazed by the natural world together.

I'm A.B. – a name that's all about a crazy mix of experiences and passions. Let's dive into this journey together and create stories that'll stay with us for a long time!

Meet The Family!

My Wife

My Boys